The one with a traveler's fantasy

I used to consider myself a blogger, "used to". 
Speaking of blogging, I have tried so many domains and blogging sites (e.g., Yahoo!360, Multiply, Wordpress, Blogger). Most of the time, I was forced to move because the domains got terminated. Every time I moved to a new blogging site, I lost my writing inspiration little by little. Few days ago, in order to read a Wordpress site, I had to log into my Wordpress account. Surprisingly, I still remembered the password to Wordpress, that I had created about 5 years ago. Yes, the previous post was dated "5 years ago" with a short notice about me coming back to blogging. It didn't happen, apparently. I am a lazy person, so I decide that Wordpress is quite complex for an amateur blogger. Here I am, back to my Blogger site.
I'm sitting at a popular coffee's spot in San Francisco and I watch around: people who sit alone in this coffee shop either are working/playing with their mobile devices, or reading newspaper, quietly. It seems sad to me, it is even more sad when I realize I am one of them. I wish I could be traveling right now, from state to state, city to city. That would be amazing for any travelers.

A traveler always has a very good sense of curiosity. You would say I am traveling already, I am being a stranger in a city thousand miles away from my home. The fact is, I am just hanging out/in here, figuring the next steps of my future. I miss the feeling when my journey just started in the United States, everything was just so inspiring when my mind was still fresh. I get used to use public transit in the city, to deal with crazy drivers and rude people and more. I used to question a lot about things and people, now I start to answer all of those questions by "Who cares?". I have lost my sense of a traveler.

I have been trying to get my sense back. I realize that it comes back when I get my true hobbies back. I got a DSLR camera after 3 years sticking with a small digital camera, ordered weekly magazines after years reading quick posts on Facebook, read novels and right now, started writing again. I don't want to be called a San Franciscan, I just want to be a traveler again.
It is not hard to be yourself, but it is hard to keep being your-unique-self.

I have had this following conversation so often:
Stranger (friend, colleague, real stranger): What do you like about living abroad, especially in San Francisco?
Me: Hmm....Ah...Wait, hmm....
3 years ago, I answered it with a fascinating accent and the weird stories that I had been through. Now, a lot of "Hmm...". I am not a traveler anymore since all the stories are not weird anymore.
Then, I would try to answer it differently next time, with more wild stories.


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